You Need More Apps. (7 Free Apps to Save you Time & Money)

Topics: Bookkeeping

There’s two types of people in this world. The first type of person has between 4-10 pages of apps on their phones, ready for any and all situations. The second type, the minimalist, has only one page of apps, or at least one page with a multiple folders of apps!

Neither is right or wrong, but one thing all people can agree on is that in many instances apps can save you time and money. I’ve put together this list of apps for you to download for free. If used correctly, they will make your work life exponentially easier and also help you stay organized. After you’ve downloaded a few of them, let me your thoughts!

7 Free Apps to Save You Time & Money

1. MailChimp

If you have an email list, MailChimp is the app for you!

MailChimp is very easy to use and it will save you lots of time you had to use in the past to manually email.

Best things about MailChimp:

  • It’s free!
  • Easy to use
  • It can automate all of your emailing (promotions, regular customers, marketing) -Emails are very customizable

2. LastPass and 3. Robo Form

These two apps are probably the most important in the whole list

They provide:

  • password security
  • password generation
  • improvement of your existing passwords

These two apps/plugins both are password managers which means they store all of your passwords for you. No need to memorize or write down long, complicated passwords, it’s all saved on the cloud. Plus, it’s military-grade secure and they both help you make more secure passwords. I prefer LastPass but their features are very similar!

4. Honey

If you already use Honey, you might be thinking…. “I use this for shopping, what’s it doing on a business list?”

Honey is great for personal shopping, but it can also be used for your business purchases. Honey does a few things:

  • Tracks down any coupons you can use for each purchase
  • Gives you cash back for your purchases
  • Makes sure you’re paying the lowest price

All of this is for free. It’ll save you money and time spent searching for coupons.

5. Asana

Asana is project management software. That means it keeps track of all of your tasks, projects, and communication with co-workers.

This would work especially well for any long-term or larger projects that you have going on at your practice.

6. Evernote and 7. Google Drive

These next two are actually pretty different, but I’ll compare their similarities.

Google Drive

Drive is Google’s version of Microsoft Office, it’s all free and it’s all stored in the cloud so you can access it anywhere you go

Use it to:

  • take notes
  • make charts
  • make slideshows
  • save documents online

It has many apps and features— this can be your platform for almost all of your online “office-type” work.


Evernote is a scheduling/note taking platform.

Use it to:

  • save documents
  • take notes
  • schedule your day
  • and much more

Both of these platforms are very robust and I would encourage you to use at least one of them frequently.

I’d also love to know what apps are your favorite. Which apps help you the most in your business or career? Which apps should’ve made this list. Please comment below.